The Agiagender Spectrum, or Agiaspec, is an umbrella term for anyone on the "agender spectrum" side of the exobinary spectrum. This includes anyone whose gender is being near agender, adjacent to agender, or is similar to/in some way resembles genderless without directly being agender in nature.
It is similar to, but not necessarily the same as agingender. Agingender is for genders that are is some way directly agender/genderless. Agiaspec includes genders that are related to genderlessness (even if they are not exactly genderless). One does not necessarily have to identify with notions of being agender or be agender-aligned.
Examples of agiaspec genders may include gendernull, gendervoid, singularian, etc.
Agiaspec can also be used as a gender on its own (in that case its usually referred to as agiagender instead). The state of having an agiagender or having a gender which exists on the agiagender spectrum is called agiaty.