Gender Wiki
Gender Wiki

The Liagender Spectrum or Liaspec is an umbrella term for anyone who is both the fiaspec and miaspec at the same time. Liaspec is a subset of the mesobinary spectrum, but can also double as an alternative name as they do share the same nature. Liaspec includes anyone whose gender is near, adjacent, in-between, or similar to/in some way resemble both masculinity and femininity without directly being either.

Liaspec is similar to, but not necessarily the same as lingender. Lingender includes genders that are androgynous in nature, a blend of both binary genders in a sense. Liaspec includes genders that are related to both maleness and femaleness (without necessarily being androgynous). One does not have to identify with notions of androgyny or be androgynous-aligned.

Examples of liaspec genders include but are not limited to aragender, eclipsian, and sometimes bigender.

Liaspec can also be used as a gender on its own; in this case its usually referred to as liagender instead. The state of having a liagender or having a gender which exists on the liagender spectrum is called liaty.

See Also[]

