Ⱄ The Shroom Gender System, or SGS, is a system of genders that are related to mushrooms. Any term in the SGS is technically xingender.
Genders in this system include: sclerogender, reishigender, psilogender, morchegender, agaricgender, amanitagender, fluidshroomic, and fluxshroomic. For a comprehensive list of genders in this system, please see Category:Shroom Gender System.
There are also terms to describe one's relationship between their sex and gender, however these only apply if one's gender is within the Shroom Gender System. These terms are: equishoomic, aposhroomic, and intershoomic.
The Shroom Gender System was coined on June 30th, 2023, by ConfusedAsHecc on Reddit. The flag was made the same day.[1]
The creator has noted that no terms are to be added by anyone else to this system of genders unless approved by them.