Social transition is the social portion of a transition, in which a transgender person makes others aware of their gender identity. Some parts of social transition can include:
- Telling people about your gender identity, whether or not they are aware of your assigned sex and/or transgender status.
- Changing name used within social interactions.
- Asking others to use different pronouns, titles and other gendered language in reference to you.
- Changing gender expression, whether or not the new gender expression corresponds to any traditional gender roles.
Social transition is one of the easiest to achieve, as unlike medical transition or legal transition it can be completed by the individual within their social group. However, it can also be daunting as there is a risk of a transphobic reaction, ranging from intentional misgendering to serious danger.
Many people choose to transition in different social groups at different points in time. For instance, someone may have socially transitioned with their friendship group, but not yet informed anyone in their workplace of their true gender.
In some cases, evidence of social transition for a period of time may be required in order to begin medical or legal transition. This is a form of gatekeeping.