- Not to be confused with Trisgender.

Trigender Flag
Trigender is a non-binary gender identity which can be literally translated as 'three genders' or 'triple gender'. Trigender people experience exactly three gender identities, either simultaneously or varying between them. These three gender identities can be male, female and/or any non-binary identities. For those who experience other multiple genders identities, please see multigender.

Alternate Trigender flag by wiki user Khuntothemoon.
Trigender people may also identify as multigender, non-binary and/or transgender. If a trigender person feels that their identity changes over time or depending on circumstance, they may also identify as genderfluid, which describes any person whose gender identity varies over time. [1]
Trigender people can have any gender expression but many prefer to be seen as androgynous and/or change their presentation to be more masculine or feminine depending on their current identity. Trigender people may experience dysphoria in which they want their body to reflect traits from three distinct sexes, although in some cases other, however, not all trigender people experience dysphoria. Some trigender people may choose to transition so that their body more closely matches their gender identity, but not all do.
Key Aspects of Trigender Identity:
- Multiplicity: Involves identifying with three specific genders.
- Fluidity: Some trigender individuals may transition between their three genders, while others might experience them concurrently.
- Diverse Combinations: The three genders can be any mix of binary (male, female) and non-binary identities.
Understanding Trigender:
Trigender falls under the broader category of multigender identities, which encompass experiences of multiple genders. It's distinct from bigender (identifying with two genders) and polygender (identifying with multiple genders, not limited to three). The experience of being trigender is unique to each individual, influenced by personal feelings, cultural background, and societal context.
Resources for Further Exploration:
- Nonbinary Wiki: Offers detailed information on trigender identity and related terms.
- LGBTQIA+ Wiki: Provides insights into trigender and its place within the spectrum of gender identities.
- Gender Wiki: Explores various gender identities, including trigender, and their nuances.

Alternate trigender flag by AshWasDefinitelyHere on Tumblr. [2]
The term trigender was originally used in reference to the Native Americangender, Two-Spirit.
- ↑ https://nonbinary.wiki/wiki/Trigender#cite_ref-feinberg_trans_lib_1-1
- ↑ https://www.tumblr.com/ashwasdefinitelyhere/752006879684755456/i-myself-am-not-trigender-but-ive-created-a-couple
- ↑ https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trigender
- ↑ https://nonbinary.wiki/wiki/Trigender
- ↑ https://lgbtqia.wiki/wiki/Trigender
- ↑ https://www.theprideshop.co.uk/trigender-101-everything-you-need-to-know-about-this-unique-gender-identity/
- ↑ https://lexicon.library.lgbt/definitions/trigender/