Gender Wiki


The Xenic Alignment or Gem Gender System is a xenogender system. All the terms within the system are based off of gemstones and all have ties to masculinity, femininity, neutrality, two of them, all of them, or none of them. All the terms also get their names from the gemstones they're based on.


All of the terms in the system were coined by Mod Kyle from Uncommon Genders on January 15, 2018. The flags were created by two moderators from the same blog, Mod Sheik or Mod Kyle at the same time as the coining.


The chart, designed by System-Mogai, shows the relationships of the terms to each other, as well as masculinity, femininity, and androgyny.
File:Xenic Alignment System Chart.png

Terms and Flags[]

Singular Terms[]


File:Ambic Flag.png

Ambic: A soft neutral gender alignment that is also xenine. Based on the gemstone Amber.


File:Amethyc Flag.png

Amethyc: A soft feminine gender alignment that is also xenine. Based on the gemstone Amethyst.


File:Jadic Flag.png

Jadic: A soft masculine gender alignment that is also xenine. Based on the gemstone Jade


File:Onyxic Flag.png

Onyxic: A nongendered demi xenic alignment. Based on the gemstone Onyx.

Combination Terms[]

Citrinic [Jadic (Masculine)+ Ambic (Neutral)][]

File:Citrinic Flag.png

Citrinic: A combination of Jadic and Ambic. Based on the gemstone Citrine.

Rubic [Amethyc (Feminine)+ Ambic (Neutral)][]

File:Rubic Flag.png

Rubic: A combination of Amethyc and Ambic. Based on the gemstone Ruby.

Turquoic [Amethyc (Feminine)+ Jadic (Masculine)][]

File:Turquoic Flag.png

Turquoic: A combination of Jadic and Amethyc. Based on the gemstone Turquoise.

Quartic [Amethyc (Feminine)+ Jadic (Masculine)+ Ambic (Neutral)][]

File:Quartic Flag.png

Quartic: A combination of Jadic, Amethyc, and Ambic. Based on the gemstone Quartz.
